Ignatios Papas, DO, RMSK, is a non-surgical orthopedic physician specializing in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Regenexx at New Regeneration Orthopedics. Dr. Papas’ clinical practice focuses on Interventional Orthobiologics offering Regenexx procedures, which are highly specific, precise image-guided injection procedures that can promote the body’s healing ability and improve pain and function. Dr. Papas also performs micro-invasive Carpal Tunnel Release under ultrasound guidance, which allows patients to resolve carpal tunnel syndrome and return to normal activity in as little as 3-6 days. Additionally, he utilizes Tenex Health procedures for chronic tendon pain or bone spurs and uses Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy for a variety of conditions in his practice.
Education and Credentials
● Registered in Musculoskeletal Sonography (RMSK)
● Clinical Regenerative Orthopedic Medicine Training (Interventional Orthopedic Foundation)
● Board Certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
● Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine from Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine
● Master of Science in Medical Science with a focus on Neuroscience & Aging from University of South Florida
● Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biology and Microbiology from University of Central Florida, Minor in History
● Research collaborator with Columbia University Medical Center/Weill Cornell University and Stanford University on multiple projects.
● Peer reviewer for PM&R, The Journal of Injury, Function and Rehabilitation.
● Chief Resident at Carolinas Medical Center – Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
● Medical Educator of the Year – Carolinas Medical Center
● Michigan State University
● University of South Florida
● Carolinas Medical Center
● American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
● American Osteopathic College of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
● Interventional Orthopedic Foundation
● Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine
Personal Interests
When he isn’t practicing medicine, he enjoys spending time with his wife and young children, playing soccer, practicing guitar or piano, and listening to historical podcasts.
"Amazing transformation!"
“I was in a car accident that left me broken in more ways than one. I didn’t understand what to do as far as my post recovery was concerned, so I took the advice of my Attorney, who was just trying to help, and I ended up going through Chiropractic treatments that didn’t help. All of my treatments ended and I was no better than before, so I started doing research about what would help a herniated disc instead of going through surgery to replace the disc. I went to a Doctor I follow named Dr. Axe and he suggested Regenxx was the best option for my injury. After receiving injections in my cervical area and following up with Physical Therapy, I am completely better!! Dr. Papas is amazing and took the time to show he really cares. He went over and beyond. Everyone at Regenxx is kind, caring, and extremely helpful!”

Watch: Is Regenexx Right for You? Dr. Papas Exlains
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