Patient Testimonials

I travelled from Manchester/UK to Regenexx in Sarasota Florida in March 2018 for Regenexx “Stem Cell SD” treatment on my right knee/patella. I had my doubts if it would work after 6 months in. (75% get some benefit, 25% do not is their strapline on their website.)
However in Nov. 2018 I noticed there was now very little pain at the back of my knee cap when walking up steps and by December 2018 the pain was pretty much gone and I was now able to lunge forward with my right knee and also squat on both legs which was impossible without severe pain prior to my treatment. I feel I am 85%+ better. Prior to Regenexx I saw 3 Orthopedic Surgeons in the UK whose advice was to “manage it” as that was the only option. At 58 at the time I was gutted to stop running and cycling (I could not do a single rotation standing up on a bike on the flat not to mention a hill). Now at 61years and thanks to my Stem Cell treatment I am now easing myself back into running and cycling and still helping with the coaching of the local kids rugby team.
I had the Regenexx Same Day Stem Cell procedure for a labral tear in my right hip in December 2014. After much research, I found that my options for repairing a labral tear were few. First, I could have surgery which my orthopedist advised only as a last resort. He suggested that I exhaust every other option available first. Second, I could just leave it alone and hope it didn’t get any worse. The pain was becoming unbearable, so that was not an option. Or third, I could have the stem cell therapy.
I chose the stem cell therapy route and started searching for a knowledgeable and reputable doctor. I found Dr. James Leiber just outside Tampa. I had my phone consult with him in the summer of 2014. He thought I would be a good candidate for the procedure, and he confirmed that on my first visit in December. We started the treatment the next day.
Within 2 days of having the stem cells injected into my hip, I was pain free. Within the next 2 weeks, I was able to do many of the exercises I hadn’t been able to in the gym. They were non-weight bearing exercises, but I could do the movement, and that was HUGE. I was no longer waking at night or unable to sleep on that side due to the pain. I was able to get in and out of my car without pain. I could bend over to tie my shoe or pull my knee to my chest without pain.
I had no idea how limited I had become in my daily activities until I was able to do them again. There are so many things I can do now that I couldn’t before. And I had lived with the pain for so long; I’d forgotten what it was like to be pain free. I wish I had had the procedure done much sooner.
At 3 months post procedure, I am now doing weight bearing exercises in the gym. There are a few things I’d like to be able to do that I still cannot. And there are positions I still cannot get into. But if I get no further results than I have thus far, I am very happy and consider it very successful. The healing process can continue for a year, so who know what the next few months will bring. I would have this procedure again, and I highly recommend it over surgery.”
Gabriel, I was hoping you could pass this on to Dr. Leiber as well. As you know, when I came to you with my complex meniscus tear in my left knee, I was so tender that I was barely able to sleep. Today, not only was I able to cancel my June surgery date, I took and passed the Police Department Physical Agility Test which included running a couple 220’s, hopping over some hurdles, low crawling and dragging a 150lb dummy for 100 feet. I wanted to share this news with you. I am still amazed more people don’t know you can be fixed without surgery. I will certainly be getting the word out, and I look forward to my tune up next year.”
Thanks so much for the timely response, and please forward to Dr. Leiber that you guys are by far the most professional Dr’s office I have ever dealt with. It truly has been a pleasure having a staff that actually cares about their patients.”
Dear Dr. Leiber, This is just a personal addendum to my progress report for your patient, Mr. M. I have not had the pleasure of working with any of your patients, nor any others with the new Regenxx-SD procedure. Nor have I seen anyone recover so rapidly and with minimal pain–wow! I hope I’ll never need this-but I’ve been a therapist for 44 years, so you know I’m in the age group! And if I do, I’ll be searching you out to speed the recovery. Thanks for sharing your marvelous patient with our practice!”
Margaret “Maggie” Vibek
PT, Island Physical Therapy
Dear Amazing Healing Friends,
Thank you, thank you, and once again, thank you. Up here in North Georgia, loving living in the mountains again…with a healed neck, shoulder, and arm!!!
I am able to (gently, I know!) make a garden, build a (lightweight, I know!) stone wall, clear trees and brush, and all of that makes me so happy and content!
You all gave me the ability to have my life back and I am so grateful!
Dr. R.W.
Dear Dr. Leiber,
I am writing a way overdue letter to say thank you for helping me return to a joyous mission that was not possible for me due to injury and tendon problems. When I came to see you, I was really so upset that none of my previous doctors could come up with any solution that might help me to become more mobile again and decrease my pain level. When I came for my first appt with you, I was met with respect, concern, and possibilities. Between the stem cell procedure and several platelet procedures (in both legs), I am fully functional and, for the first time in 2.5 years, I was able to travel once again to Honduras (in 95 degree heat, on my feet 8 hours a day and loving over 200 children a day.) I am so sorry this thank you has been so late in coming, but thank you for not giving up on me and a special thank you to Gabriel for compassionate, expert blood draws and letting me squeeze his hand really hard.
Dr. Leiber I’m grateful for your medical expertise and, as importantly, for the care you take and the care you give. Thank you.
I am posting to offer to your team of professional staff and most particularly, to esteemed doctor James Leiber, my profound and most sincere gratitude. It is from your services and caring that I am now finding my pathway to a new lease on wellness. Dr. Leiber’s outstanding and impeccable knowledge and gifts of stimulating self-healing have been the spark to ignite my body’s much hoped-for self-repair and renewal abilities. I am indebted to your services and look forward to upcoming and all future treatments! May you all continue to receive thanks for all you do to bring healing to those in pain!
I am a retired 59 year old male. In the early years of this decade I started having pain associated with my right shoulder. At first, I self-medicated with a combination of Advil and Extra Strength Excedrin. About 6 years ago, I had had enough and went to see an orthopedic surgeon for my shoulder pain. After the X-rays, MRI and Physical Therapy, the physician said that “Yes, you have shoulder joint issues… but if you can take 4 Aleve a day and live with the pain, at this time, that is your best course of action”. Recently my PC Physician referred me to Dr. Leiber. After performing the appropriate tests, Dr. Leiber recommended PRP Injections to me. After the injections and the appropriate therapy, 4 months have passed. My shoulder is now pain free and I am no longer taking any pain relief medication. I can now reach for that dish on the top shelf without wondering how bad it is going to hurt. I am able to play with my grandchildren and not worry that I am not going to be able to lift my arm in the morning. This has been one of the best medical experiences I have had in a very long time, and I highly recommend the PRP Injection procedure.
Dr. Leiber my knee feels so good – thank you for doing the procedure for me. I’m really looking forward to our trip now – it’s wonderful not to hurt!
Dear Dr. Leiber,
I want to thank you and your wonderful staff for making me feel so very comfortable on all three days of my procedures. Yours and theirs caring, knowledge, and understanding was outstanding. You have created a wonderful organization. I am so happy that our paths have crossed.